Love Letters

Aja Graydon

Music Artist・@Kindredthewife

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How can I love somebody else,

when I can’t love myself enough to know, 

when it's time,

time to let goooooooooooooooooooooooo

Realer shit has never been said and said by the realest to ever do it. More than the way these lyrics and delivery spoke to my heart as a young woman, it is the way I’ve seen you embody this philosophy in your life that has inspired me most. It is by example that you showed us how to deliver ourselves from behind the dark sunglasses and the pain, to emerge glowing and slaying through life and work. The way you never left us behind and always chose to evolve but never assimilate. Showing us how authenticity is done in real time. 

Photo Courtesy of Aja Graydon

Photo Courtesy of Aja Graydon

More than anything, it is the way you speak directly to us Black girls even when others are around. You sing to us across the room and over their heads without apology, prioritizing our gaze, lifting us with yours. Through your music we are seen. You stand as an example for all to see that Black girls can be born into struggle but also reborn into self liberation.

And baaaaabbbyyyyyy, the way you drink your water and mind your business?! Mastery level. And seriously, why is your hair ALWAYS SLAYED TO THE EM EFFIN COSMOS!? MA’AM! Our hearts can’t take it but we cannot get enough!! And the style?! THE STYLE!? Perfection!!  The international council of fashion designers should just go ahead and rename the thigh high boot, the Mary. 

Bottom line? Wherever you go, we feel like you take us with you. Fashion week, The Grammy’s, the Oscars. Our own Queen and Sister. Magical and tangible. Powerful and vulnerable. Lovable and formidable. Cheers to you on this day, how grateful we are that you were born. Praying your desire to be happy has been truly fulfilled in life, today and everyday forward.

With the REALEST of love,

Aja from Kindred The Family Soul

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