Love Letters

Julie Wenah

Founder & CEO, The Album and The Mixtape・@JulieMixtape

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Dearest Mary,


Photo Courtesy of Julie Wenah

Photo Courtesy of Julie Wenah

You remind me of a woman who has been through the fire and comes out on the other side–refined, stronger, yet still empathetic; still showing love. You remind me that life can give us the most bitter lemons and we can still make the best lemonade. Now ain't that a “Sweet Thing?”

Because you move with such authenticity and generosity, you’ve shown us that there is no limit to how you express your love for community and service to mankind. Oftentimes as women and natural nurturers, we can find ourselves in the “Thick of It,” focusing on the needs of everyone except ourselves. In these moments, we forget that all we really want is to “Be Happy.” And then you give us lyrics and melodies that remind us that we are “Everything” and Everything is us.

As we navigate this world and hope to experience a “Real Love,” you’ve shown us the Strength of a Woman who knows her worth and loves herself more than any man. This example is something we, as Black women, need to see - the undeniable love for ourselves, prioritizing our health, happiness, and hope. One of the most liberating experiences I have had is when you showed me that it’s more than okay to have people “Take Me, As I Am” or have nothing at all.

And even though I have never met you, celebrating you truly feels like a “Family Affair.” Thank you for being an example through the airwaves and for showing us the Strength of a Woman. I’m grateful for the opportunity to “Leave a Message” just for you.

Happy Birthday, Queen.

In Love,

Julie Wenah

JP Reynolds